Sunday, February 7, 2010

Workout (2/7)

Hello --Neuman. Yep, the guy from Seinfield (that's who I'm talking about). It's Sunday, and have you had your morning exercise. I am going to the pool today--no excuses. I have that nervous energy going on right now--where I can't get comfortable. I can only guess that it is because I need to burn off some energy. Don't you just hate that feeling? I do. It's like you're all shaky.
I don't know if you plan to workout today, or if you take the weekends off, but I am here letting you know that I am going to workout today. If you do take the weekends off, I hope you are having a good day, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Remember that it takes 21 days to create a habit. So why not start a goal: do swimming 21 times (not necessarily every day in a row) in a time period of 7 weeks? That'd be 3 times a week, or however many times in a week you want to do them. Mark it on your calendar the day you swim and count from there.

    That's what worked for me when I wanted to add The Biggest Loser Workout to my other workout. I have a list showing that I started over The B L Workout several times until I kept doing it weekly, without skipping a week. This list is kept in the DVD case to remind me of how far I've come from the beginning of the workout. I'm more of a visual person, so when I see something, more than likely I'll retain it.

  2. I'm a visual person too. That is a good idea to write it down.And to do something 21 days --that will be a challenge. Thanks Monica.

  3. good for you, we lost our power and We had to spend the night at dad's (my first sleepover there) Yes I was the last of the siblings to bunk out at Dad's

  4. Jan, did you get a chance to talk about the blog. You know ease him in before I give him the binder that I am making. January had 69 posts--that should be a good place to start. I did ask him if he would be interested in looking at it, but he didn't seem all that enthused. Oh well. Maybe, I'll hook Brenda.
