Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Workout (2/23)

It's Tuesday--and I am sore and tired. I do not have a busy schedule today, so I will make it to the Y. I can't really say that I miss it because I am worn out, but I know that I have to go. I already missed Monday, and if I want to get my 3 workouts in, I need to go today.
I know that there are a few people viewing the blog, but are not followers. And I know that you have to be a follower to make a comment, so this is for you. Let's get out there and do this challenge--you can do it. It is a 21 day challenge over 7 weeks, so that means we workout 3 times a week. We are doing this challenge to hopefully start a habit of working out. Maybe you are not doing the challenge to workout -- you are doing it to eat healthier. You can do it. During a week when I couldn't workout, I paid attention to what I ate, and I lost over 2lbs. Another follower lost 3lbs during a week when she couldn't workout. It can be done--and you can do it.
The reason that I started the workout and weigh-in blogs was for motivation. During my regular posts, I had mentioned that I wanted to workout and lose weight. I received a lot of feedback on these topics. As I was thinking how I could address it, I realized that some of the readers may not be interested in losing weight. So, that is why I started separated posts for the workouts and the weigh-ins. I really like how it is coming along. I receive the much needed motivation that I need, and the other followers are able to comment and receive the motivation that they need. I hope the posts and comments help and motivate you as much as it has helped and motivated me.
Well, I'm going for now. I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Did my workouts. Oh, Oh, since someone at the table was eating cake for dessert, I also got a piece of cake out of the freezer and ate some too (being social eater doesn't help). It was a very skinny piece. So now I hope to not eat any more until Sun.

  2. Monica - you are funny. Good call though on freezing the cake (portion control)--that't awesome.
    As for me, I did not get my workout in. I am shaking my head as I write because I know what kind of trouble I am in. I will have to workout Wed., Thur., and Fri.--gruelling--I tell ya--gruelling. But I did it to myself. I got caught up in things I was doing at home, and I didn't take time out for myself. I need to work on that--taking time out for me. So, the challenge will definitely be a challenge for me this week.
