Monday, February 8, 2010

Weigh-in (2/8)

Well, it's time to see how we did last week. I went out and bought The Biggest Loser scale for $25 from Target. It gives you all kind of information including how many calories to consume if you want to maintain that weight. So, all I need to do is stay below that number and I am good to go. I stepped on the scale, and it read 214.8- a weight loss of 2.7lbs. Yeah me. I was so excited. I did work hard at watching what I ate.
It is a different week now. If you didn't workout as much as you wanted to last week (like me), you have a chance to start over. I am going to try the 21 day change a habit challenge. I am going to try to workout 3 days a week for 7 weeks (21 days). And I am going to do as Monica suggested---count backwards. Let's see how it goes.
Good Luck everybody. I'll see you next week.


  1. I didn't do well last week at all - went out to eat a couple of times and didn't work out - I gained 4 pounds (so I gained back the 3 I lost plus one) I AM going to do better this week !!!

  2. my scale is broke, and my pants are tight...I don't even want to know....

  3. My weight is about the same as it was last week, and I have a goal to lower it by 3 lbs. I just want to break a certain number and keep it there, then continue down to another certain number. I think I maintained my weight this week by eating too much of "oil", like in roasted peanuts, which is what I had a lot of last week. Trying to avoid the oil in food can be difficult, unless I make the food myself. Most of the time I'll use water/broth to saute foods instead of oil/marg. Some foods can be done this way but not all. Who knows how much oil/butter/marg is in restaurant foods?

    Sometimes us women hold water a certain time of the month, and that could account for a slight weight gain (at least I like to think so).

    On a more positive note, I was able to do my workouts Mon. morning.

  4. Roxanne- we all have weeks like that. And it seems-at least for me-- if I eat out I will probably not workout or I will eat out again in that same week. I have faith in you. YOU can do it.
    Jan-I don't know what to say. I think the 4 dots say it all. If you need a scale, I have an extra one.
    Monica- I also believe that certain times of the month can play havoc with your body and your scale. But maintaining your weight is better than the alternative. Way to go on your workout!
