Saturday, February 20, 2010

Workout (2/20)

It's Saturday--usually a day of rest for most people, but I may go to the Y. I am quite frustrated---the phone has been ringing non-stop, so I have not been able to sleep. I got in late from scrapbooking last night--and nobody is in the house except me---so I thought that I could catch up on my sleep. Forget that. From 10-11:15, one person called 5 times, one called 4, and one called 2 times. All in one hour--the same people over and over--Unbelievable. I just wanted some sleep, now everyone is returning home, so chaos will ensue. And that is why I am going to the Y--I hope that they are open.
If you are planning to workout, good for you. If not that is ok--enjoy the weekend. I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Way to go Monica
    Way to go Roxanne
    I got my 3 in this week too. I did not workout today unless you count shoveling snow(I was sweating).
