Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Giveaway (Feb 24-Mar7, 2010)

Here it is --- The 1st Giveaway. I chose a stamp set because that is what I will be organizing.


Giveaway (February 24-March 7,2010)
Stamping Sensations Alphabet & Tags and a Scrappy Cat Clear Mounting Block
The only way I know to get to my site is to use the Google search engine, type in my blog address, and then click on my blog For some reason if you just type in my blog address it will not take you to it.
Contest Ends - Sunday – March 7, 2010


There are many ways to receive an entry into the contest.

1)Comment that you are a follower (one entry).

2)Comment on an organizing style or weight loss technique (one entry).

3)Invite a friend or friends to become a follower(s)---After your friend comments on becoming a follower--YOU make a comment that you invited (____) to become a follower (both of you receive an entry).

On Monday--March 8, 2010, my niece (who is celebrating her birthday) will pick a number from the amount of comments. Example: She picks the #14---The 14th person who commented wins the Giveaway.

In addition to my current followers, I am opening this Giveaway up to THE BLOG GIVEAWAYS. My hope is to gain more followers, and --of course --make someone happy.


  1. If I'm doing this right, I'm a follower.

  2. Pick day(s) and time(s) of the week to do workouts. If the day and/or time doesn't work out, then pick another day and/or time until it does. "Only YOU can do the workout--nobody else can do it for you."

  3. Following, june_spirit2628
    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  4. Organizing tip: Buy lots of clear plastic bins. I bought a bunch on sale recently at Target and used them in my home office. It helps to categorize items. Also label them. They are are a lifesaver.
    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  5. I'm a follower of your blog :)


  6. Weight loss technique (I'm so happy I study Nutrition and Dietetics now): It's important to know how much energy/calories your body needs. If you eat less than what you need, you will lose weight, if you exercise on top of that, you will lose even more.

    So to know how much you need, just use this formula:

    655 + ( 9.6 x weight in kg ) + ( 1.8 x height in cm ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

    If you need a better explanation (I don't want to take up the whole comment space) just google 'harris and benedict formula' is explaining it pretty well for example :)

    good luck!


  7. Oh, and I think this organizing tip is very useful: make categories and put those items together in something like a plastic cutlery tray (which come in various sizes)what you use most can go in the top of your drawer, what you use less goes lower :)


  8. An organizing tip for storing clear stamps is to put them into clear cd cases.


  9. An organizing tip - I reorganized all my scrapbooking embellishment - not by type but by color - so when I'm working on a layout say in red - I grab the red baggie and see what works

  10. Diet tip - I read that drinking lots of water is good for weight loss - it makes you feel fuller and also helps rid your body of extra salt

  11. My main mode of organization is bins! I can never have too many. Also, purge! Get rid of stuff if you haven't used it in a year (or 10).

    PS-I found your blog through Blog Giveaways.

  12. I like to organize in clear glass jars or clear bins -- that way I can see things. :-)

  13. I have lots of tips for working out - Personally, my biggest problem is motivation. So I find it helpful when first getting into a workout routine to have some sort of motivating reward. Such as each week you work out three times, you earn a new craft supply or a new workout DVD. OR bigger rewards, like if you meet your workout goals for three months you go away for a weekend. cneaglefan at hotmail dot com

  14. as for a weight loss or organizing technique, one thing i learned about organization is to use clear storage. if you can see what is going on in the bin/jar/whatever, it works out better. if you don't want people seeing all of your stuff in clear bins, take polaroids or print out pics and put them on the front of the bins...

  15. weight loss technique: lift weights. i ran for half a year with no results. started lifting, almost instant results.

  16. An organizing tip! I use a lot of meds, too- and get a lot of pill bottles! And dang, but they're so useful for storing beads and other crafty bits! But then- where to store the bottles...?

    A Spice Rack! Yes! One of the spinny wire ones! It works great, my beads and bob and bottles are FINALLY together and easy to sort!

    So I'll have somewhere to put those stamps, if I'm the lucky one!:D


  17. And I'm following! Us pill-bottlers gotta stick together!


  18. My recent weight loss has been inspired by pregnancy, which I do not believe is a recommended diet plan. :) However, the reason I've been losing is that I am constantly reminded to eat healthy, eat small snacks, and eat frequently. I've cut back on salt, started taking long walks (30 minutes), and am experimenting with more delicious ways to fix veggies.

    What a fun giveaway!

  19. As far as a weight loss tip goes, the only thing I've found that actually works is tracking what you eat. Journaling helps you see how much you're really putting in your mouth. Do I do it on a regular basis? No. But when I do, I definitely lose weight. Good luck!

  20. I'm a new follower.....great stamps.

    My organization tip...only touch things once if you can. I sort and deal with the mail as soon as I bring it in rather then letting it pile up on the island.


  21. I found your blog via I became a follower. I'm trying to organize all my stuff and the name of your blog jumped out at me:) I need to get on the exercise kick myself but...
    anyway, thanks for the giveaway!


    I'm a new follower- I came over from the giveaway site and just love the name of your blog! :)

  23. Deborah, in regards to working out with weights, I found a great book at Sam's Club that included 4 15 minute workouts using hand weights and light cardio. It has a DVD or you can follow along in the book if you'd rather watch something else while you're doing it. It's called "15 Minute Total Body Workout" by Joan Pagano, for $10.88 at Sam's Club.

    I love it. The person is not at all annoying and overly peppy like in most workout videos. In fact, I think it's a voiceover, and the woman demonstrating doesn't say anything. It has stretching at the end, and of course you could combine 2 workouts to make it longer if you'd like. I highly recommend it!

  24. Try to think of time as money: either you save it or waste it, but time does cost you money.

  25. I am a new follower!

  26. weight loss technique- The Wii Fit is a lot of fun!

  27. Organizing: Try scheduling top-priority projects during your peak hours, routine work during your "low" time. Determine if you are a morning person or a night person.
