Friday, February 26, 2010

Blog Giveaway -This is not the post to enter the contest

It is so hard not leaving comments in the Giveaway post. I want to thank all of you for following and posting. If I left any comments it would mess up the numbering system.
I do have a new follower---did you find out about this giveaway from the Blog Giveaway site? If so, could you let me know, I was having troubles on the site (I tried to post a comment, and I never saw it get posted).
Anyway, good luck. Remember: to increase your chances invite a friend(s) or post an organizing tip or weight loss tip. There is no limit on the number of tips you can leave. I am open to any and all suggestions.
Remember: to enter the contest go to post - The Giveaway (Feb24-Mar7, 2010). Good Luck.


  1. In case you're talking about me, I did find out about your giveaway on the Blog Giveaway site/blog :) you're between the February 26 giveaways (number 10 I believe, but I could be wrong)

  2. Yep, i found you through the giveaway site too.
    My best organising tip - have a bag labelled 'giveaway' hanging in the kitchen and fill it will stuff for the charity/goodwill store. then EVERY week, take the contents and give them away. I am recycling a bag a week like this, and cannot bear to take a half-full bag, so I am always fillig it with stuff I might otherwise have hung on to.
    lenten blessings x

  3. Angela, this is not the post to enter the giveaway. I can see how confusing my title was so I changed it. I need you to either cut and paste your comment or write me a comment under the post The Giveaway (Feb24-Mar7,2010). Again, I am sorry for the confusion, but I do want you to have a chance to enter the contest. Good Luck.
    I do like your idea since I quite frequently give to the Salvation Army and other charities.
