Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Crazy & Delusional

Hello-- fans. I have to be crazy to have this much paper. Oh-that's right --I forgot---I'm a scrapbooker. Anyway, I'm trying to weed out, but I think of 2 things- 1)the paper is so very pretty and 2) if I am getting rid of it, nobody would probably want it. I've been going through paper all day, trying to find the easiest way to sort it. I came up with "by color". But some of the trays are overflowing, and I still have a pile to sort. I come across paper that I can't wait to use, then I come across paper that "comes in a group", and how do you sort that-do you break up the group? Such dilemmas. And I ran out of my favorite hot chocolate. And I didn't do my floors yet. The coffee situation earlier today really threw me off. I haven't been right since.

Here is the 1st wave of paper. It is sorted by color and then stacked, so that I can do my next round of paper. This is a perfect thing to do on a snow day. Perfect only because I've let my dog outside too many times, and she keeps walking around the fire pit, so that I have to go out and get her. Yes, I know--it is another one of her games.

Earlier today- I let her go outside without the leash--where did she go--yep, on the street. She was sniffing the street. I realize that the street was the only place that she could walk, but come on. And then when I tell her to come inside--she just stood there. So, again--I had to go and get her, but this time---yeah, she just laid down. Right there in front of our house, she just laid down. When I go to pick her up, she just put her belly up--with her back in the snow. Nice.

Well, that's about it for me today. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Sat morning we saw two dogs leading the township snow plow, which was slowing down his progress; but you know, dogs do love snow.

    Remember that old saying--one man's junk (what you think is unwanted paper)is another man's treasure. Well, you've shown us how easy it is to stock up on papers. Now that you know how much of each color and of each event papers you own, you won't have to buy any for a long, long time. Right? Sorting them by colors seems to be the thing to do.

  2. Dogs do love the snow--especially mine. And I agree, I should not buy another piece of paper, but sometimes those glitter stacks just "get" me. Oh how I love the sparkly stuff. I have to remember that paper is always changing and getting better. And I have to use up what I have--you are right.

  3. Put some of that paper on craigs list or ebay, it would be an easy thing to ship! There are alot of people out there with a paper addiction

  4. Jan, people are finatic about their scrapbooking paper. I don't know how I could ship it without sending a lot out or it being at risk for getting bent. And I do not want an angry scrapbooker on my hands.

  5. OK....from a fellow scrapbooker. I agree with you on people being picky about their paper. I get so mad when my corners bend or wrinkle. Do you remember all that paper we bought when I came to visit you? Ha. I laugh thinking about us sorting all of the brads that we split. :) Anyway, I don't know how I would give up any of my paper. I don't even have the time to scrapbook anymore, but I still find myself going into my room and looking at all of my pretty paper (especially the sparkly ones). Good Luck! I remember all the paper you had because I tried organizing it while I was there. I am sure you even have more now.

  6. It's true Jess--I do have even more now. But I ask you--how can you pass up the sparkly paper? I can't. I know that I am going to have a hard time getting rid of some of my paper. But I must try.

  7. Deb,

    I had to stop buying stuff. I realized that I was wasting my money. However, when I go into Michael's, I do have a hard time seeing the paper. I just don't go down the aisle anymore. I just saw such cute paper at Hobby Lobby. It killed me to walk away. :(

  8. By the way, those sparkly ones that come in a book for like $20. Ahh....It is so hard to walk away from those. I think "Wow...look at all of this paper that I can get for just $20." HA!

  9. I know. And when it goes on sale for $14.99 or $9.99--how can you pass it up. But, I am like you, I just stopped going to the stores because I did not have the will power to stay away from the aisles. However, now when I do go to the stores (for instance: when you came up to see me, I end up spending hundreds of dollars that I don't have--and then I have to take it all back. That is where the real tragedy is--I saw the "new" stuff, but I had to take it back.) Luckily, we opened packages, and split what was in them--so, how could I take that back. Scrapbooking is definitely an adddition for me (I think. LOL).
