Friday, February 26, 2010

Workout (2/26)

It's Friday---finally, the last day of the week. I have yet to get my workouts in. And like Monica said--Do I really want to start over? NO --I DON'T. This challenge is hard enough. So, I have to get 3 workouts in between today and tomorrow. Oh shoot--I just remembered that I have a therapy appt. today. So, I am going to cut this short---I need to go to the Y.
Good Luck getting your workouts in. You can do it. I am going to try SUPER hard to get the 3 workouts in that I need. I really do not want to start over.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Had a tough week but got my 3 workouts in. Come on Deborah, you can do it!

  2. Why not just try for 2 workouts--today and Sat or Sun? Just don't skip this week, then you won't be starting over. Keep counting to 21 days total. I'm thinking that it could be either twice or three times a week, instead of just 3 times a week. Maybe 3 times a week could be your goal to reach. You were able to do 2 weeks like this.

    I was able to do my workouts today.

  3. I did it--I got my swimming in. I was only there for 25 min., but that is better than nothing.
    Thanks for the pep talk Monica and Roxanne. I'm glad that you guys were able to get your workouts in this week.
    Monica--I am going to try to workout 2 times tomorrow. If I don't then, I will do at least 1. I really don't want to start this challenge over. See--when my back is against the wall--I will deliver. Anyway--thanks for the encouragement.
    I am going to try to get my 3 workouts in at the beginning of the week, since I will be on vacation. I am going to try for Sun., Mon., & Tue. We'll see if it works.
