Monday, February 1, 2010

Helping the Store

Today, I will be helping my hometown scrapbooking store by packing up boxes. They need to be out of the place today because they have rented it out to another business. I still can't believe it is closed. Maybe one day I can open a store of my own. I really enjoyed helping them organize and move their displays around. I know that I could not do it now due to all of the therapy and my mental state, but I would like to believe one day I could open a business. I also realize the time involved and the record keeping that would have to be done. Who knows if scrapbooking will be around by the time I'm ready. Maybe it will be around, but scrapbookers will prefer places like Pat Catan's and JoAnn's to do their shopping. Many scrapbooking stores have closed their doors due to slow business. Anyway, it is a dream.
I have 2 appts. today. One is to go over my medications, and the other is my monthly B12 shot. So, I will go for now, I need to figure out what medications need refills. I'll talk to you later, and I will let you know how the packing went. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. I'm also sad to see this store close - I went shopping there Fri before they closed.

  2. I'm glad you had a chance to visit before they closed.
