Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Den, The Computer Room, The Kitchen

So here is the den/Epicenter. I am going through the white boxes that were stacked in the corner along the wall. It is mostly craft things, so I am going to sort and then put away--or at least put in my craft room.

This is the computer room--messy again--because of me. These were the projects that I have been working on since Friday. So, I need to sort--maybe even finish--and put away. Again, it goes in my craft room, so I may just put the box(es) in my craft room.

Here is the kitchen table--a mess--because of me. This is where I was putting the binder full of my stamp sets together. As you can tell, I did not clean up, but then again, I wasn't done. I am going to try to finish that project today, so that I can get this table back in order.
I have a big day ahead of me, but luckily---I am home (by myself) and I don't have any appts. That is such a relief. Those appts. really break up and ruin my day.
So, I'm off to work. I'll keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Hi Deborah! Love your pics! Everything looks pretty : ) I was thinking about your dilemma with all of the rooms getting cluttered from trying to organize. Maybe you could tell yourself you are going to stay in one room to work instead of using other areas in the house? That way if you don't get all of it done in one day, you can come back to it the next day. I know how things get worse before they get better when you clean, but this way you will only have one room to deal with instead of so many.
    PS. Love your giveaway... Did you post it on the Blog giveaways? I didn't see it on there????

  2. Thanks for the tip--it sounds like a good idea, since I tend to wander from room to room. I get side tracked very easily.
    As for the Blog Giveaways--I tried to post it. I sent an email to the author of the blog, but as far as posting a comment--I tried 3 different times and I never did see my comment. Hopefully the email gets through and we see it soon. Thank you so much for the idea.

  3. Hi Deborah, I hope it works. I never posted on that site before but I have looked at the giveaways to enter. Everything you are doing is looking great by the way! You are working so hard and it shows!

  4. Thanks Angela. Be sure to enter as many times as you can--it's a nice stamp set--and it comes with a clear mounting block too. People are responding from the Blog Giveaway site, so I guess it is working. I'm really excited that you told me about the site--I am already getting ready for my next giveaway. This is really fun.
