Sunday, February 14, 2010

Old Business

Today is going to be a light day. Yesterday, I went through my paper and retrieved these extra pieces. I'm sure the more I go through my paper--the more I will get rid of. You know how initially when you go through your paper---you don't want to get rid of any? Well, this is that initial stage.

I finally did my floor today.

And I finally cleared this table...again.

I hope you have a nice and easy day like me. Treat yourself--you deserve it. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Hi Deborah, I was reading your post about how initially you do not want to get rid of something when you are decluttering/cleaning?? One thing that I have learned from moving (especially my last move) is that if I can get something in a trash bag, (the big dark green kind of trash bag), it immediately becomes an "out of sight/out of mind" thing for me... It is all about just getting into that darn trash bag. When I do it, it works like a charm every time! Maybe you could give it a try and see if it works for you! Happy Valentines Day!

  2. That sounds like a good idea. I am the same way--if I don't see something for awhile, I do tend to forget about it.My question is--do you put nice things into the trash bag? Things that could go in a garage sale or to the Salvation Army.

  3. I do. If they are breakable, I will wrap them in some newspaper. Other than that, it goes in!!! It just works for me. I tend to take things back out of boxes more than I would a bag.

  4. Ok. Maybe I will try it for some things. I have been organizing what goes into the boxes, so that the same type of items are in each box (ex. school supplies). But the bag will definitely work for bulky items. And --who knows--I may just start putting everything in a bag. Thanks for the idea.
