Friday, February 5, 2010

Workout (2/5)

Well, today is Friday!!! The end of a work week. Hopefully it was a good week for you. I have to be honest. I have been on antibiotics for a root canal that got infected, and they have been playing hard ball with my stomach. That is why I haven't been to the pool. I am off of them now because I called the dentist and asked if I could go on something else. They did not switch me to another med because I only had 3 days left. Anyway, hopefully my system gets back to normal. And hopefully I can keep those 3 lbs off. I am anxious for the weigh in on Monday.
I did go to Jenny Craig yesterday, and I got some more of my food. We also did a weigh in there---it said 216 (and that was in the middle of the day). It is not the 3 lbs that I was hoping for but it is 1.5 lbs, which I am happy with too. So, remember--if you cannot get your workouts in, it does help if you watch what you eat.
And I did take a readers advise this week, and I carried Jenny Craig bars with me to my appts. It did stop me from going to the fast food places, and I can say ---it probably contributed to my weight loss. Thank you.
I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good Luck.


  1. Missed my workouts today because I did all day errands.

  2. Good to hear of your avoiding the fast food restaurant--that you went to your appts prepared with snacks. I also took granola bars, one cookie, few raisins and banana along, which ended up being my lunch. When came home was famished but managed to eat some fruit before dinner and kept telling myself not to eat any cookies, which was avoided.

  3. Nice Job Monica. You really inspire me.
