Thursday, February 25, 2010

Workout (2/25)

It's Thursday--and we are almost done with the work week. This has been a difficult week for me. I don't know about you, but I am definitely hitting a wall. I have not worked out at all this week. I end up doing other things around the house, and then I miss my times at the Y. What helps you stay motivated? I need to get back into the swing of things. This is usually the time when I start dropping out of whatever I have started. I need to get over this hurdle and continue on, but how? It is already 11:30am, and there is much to do.
I'll let you know how I do. Will I conquer the hurdle or will I give in to temptation and not go to the Y?


  1. The last 2 weeks you went to the Y--what time of the day did you go? If this time worked well, then stick to this time and get it in your head to do so. In other words, make up your mind to do it. If you stop now, you'll be starting over the 21 day challenge. Do you really want to stop now? You've come a long way, you know. Didn't you do 6 days thus far? Stopping and then starting over is much more difficult to do than never quitting. It doesn't matter how many laps you swim. What does matter is that you did swim. You can only do the workout for yourself-nobody else can do it for you. Try thinking this often.

  2. Work alot of extra hours this week - no workout - weight stayed the same.

  3. Monica you are right. I had the chance to go to the Y today, but I wouldn't be able to get my whole workout in---so I didn't go. I do need to remind myself that any workout is a good workout. My time is usually 2pm.
    Roxanne--weight staying the same--without working out--I'll take that anyday.
