Monday, February 1, 2010

Workout (2/1)

Well, it's Monday--time to start another week. Yesterday I found out that it takes 32 laps or 64 lengths to make 1 mile (swimming at the Y pool). I was shocked. So, I timed myself. In one hour, I did 54 lengths. It took me 1hour and 10 minutes to do 1 mile. And I am swimming hard--yes I have my head up, but I am doing the breast stroke with my arms, and freestyle with my legs. I was hoping to do the mile in 1 hour--I guess that can be a goal.

I hope all of you are having a great day, and I will be looking forward to seeing your comments.


  1. that's alot of swimming, great job!

  2. That's some goal and you'll achieve it.
    Was able to do three work-outs this morning and am tired from that.

  3. Thanks Jan, Monica, and Angela. I did not get a chance to workout today though.
    Monica-great job on your 3 workouts. And thanks for posting your workouts and your comments, they are up-lifting.
