Monday, February 15, 2010

Weigh-in (2/15)

It's Monday. Weigh-in time. I had a good week-- I worked out and I watched what I ate. Before Sunday came I had lost a little over 2lbs, then it happened. I went out to eat at Carrabbas for Valentine's Day. Boy do I love their food, and since I have been not eating out as much, I decided to have my favorite meal. Fillet--Mashed Potatoes--Bread--Caesar Salad--I was so full. I took home half my meal and a dessert.
Well, I weighed myself today--and it was a disaster. I only lost .2lbs. I thought to myself---at least I didn't gain. But, now I am going to work extra hard working out and eating right. I have my weigh-in for Jenny Craig this week--and I want to show a loss. I cannot believe 1 meal can do so much damage--and I didn't even eat the whole thing. Very disappointing.
So, how did you do? Did you lose weight? Are your pants or tops fitting you better? It's not always about the number (although if you are not losing lbs it can get discouraging), sometimes it is about the inches. Are you doing our 21 day challenge? For 7 weeks we are to workout 3 times a week. We just finished week 7 (we are counting backwards), so we are on week 6. It takes 21 days to form a habit. To workout 21 days in a row seemed impossible, so we broke it down into weeks (giving everyone a chance to get their workout in). If you are not in the challenge, I invite you to join us. We post our comments for the day under the workout post for the day.
Good Luck.


  1. Hello - I weighed in this morning and to my surprise I lost 3 pounds ( I had pizza on Sat so didn't think I would loose) I did work out - maybe that helped - lol

  2. My weight--still the same. Which is good because I'm keeping it down. Guess you could say that I'm doing the 7 wk challenge--it's adding a second workout to my regular workout. I think I did it last week.

  3. Nice job Roxanne. Three seems to be your lucky number.
    Monica-I agree--I would rather stay the same weight than gain. I'm glad that you are doing the challenge.
