Saturday, January 30, 2010

Workout (1/30)

Hello everyone. Are you ready to workout or eat a little less. I started my day on the wrong foot--I ate 4 chocolate chip cookies. Yikes. So, now I will do a little extra at the pool. Going to Jenny Craig has taught me that losing 2 lbs a week is a good gage.
It is also good to make small goals. I used to count down daily, now I do it weekly. That's why I have the Monday weigh in. You don't have to participate, but if you want to post that you lost .5 lbs or that your jeans feel better--post it. I have broken the year into little goals.This "term" is 15 weeks, the next is 5 weeks, then 10 weeks, then 7 weeks, and the last "term" is 5 weeks. I went through my calendar and saw when I had something going on like a vacation, Black Friday--anything that would give me something to put my eyes on. This makes it easier for me to have a goal not to lose weight (because that haunts me everyday), but to lose weight for something that I am going to do. So, maybe if you look at your year ahead and say, I would like to be a little thinner or I would like my pants to be more loose by St. Patrick's Day---that will work for you. You can keep small goals in your calendar-- The way I have it set up ---for example---on this Monday weigh in and then under that 14 weeks. Because whenever I wrote down the days, in the back of my mind I thought--98 days--that's a long time---I can skip today. But when I see the number 14-- I think everyday is important and I need to workout today.
Well, that is just how I do it. And it has been a process for me. Like I said--I had written in my planner to workout for 3 weeks before I made it to the gym. It is hard to get motivated--but maybe this blog will help.
So, good luck to you. And let me know what works for you. I have already had some great comments about what time of the day works best for some of the readers. And some readers have included their workout routine---which I find very motivating and helpful.
I'll talk to you tomorrow and I will post my workout. Thanks for being a reader of the blog and have a nice day.


  1. Well, I did an hour in the pool today. I needed it--I needed to get away from the household. Time by myself in the water--Awesome.

  2. Sounds very relaxing indeed! Water is so soothing too. This morning did half work-out because no more time to finish it. I don't do work-outs on Sun's--it's not on my schedule. The scale I use is a vintage one, so can't get an accurate weight, but it does still work.

  3. I keep a picture of my former self(back when I had a figure to be admired) with me to remind me where I want to get to. If I start thinking about chocolate, I look at it and have to decide which I want more. The picture has won more times than not. I have the picture posted on my facebook as "The Prize". Keeping my eye on the prize!

  4. That's a good idea. I did that for a while--it didn't help. So, then I carried around a "bad" picture of myself--that didn't work either. Maybe now that I am more committed, I can go back to the picture idea.
    Monica-half a workout is better than none at all. Good for you getting it in. I have the same problem with the scale. I just haven't broken down to buy one of those $80 scales that are accurate.
