Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Closet--My Shirts

As I was sorting my shirts today, I decided to reconfigure my closet. On the left side is a smaller area to hang clothes, and the back wall holds the largest area to hold clothes. I am going to incorporate the readers' comments which stated--group your pants, shirts, jackets, sweatshirts- separately, and then organize by color or organize by outfits. I have a lot of shirts to try on today--as you can see. I don't know if I have enough hangers, but if I don't --I'll just buy some. ha ha I plan to put the shirts that do not fit me on the corresponding shelf with the pant/jeans size. Or I guess I could get rid of more clothes. I have to admit, I really haven't gotten rid of much, I have just organized what I had.

Has anyone out there lost weight? And I mean a considerable amount like 100lbs. Do you go back to the same shape that you were in. I mean once I lose the weight, will I fit the clothes as nicely as I did when I wore them back then? That's the real question. Because I am holding on to these name brand clothes 1) because I liked how they looked on me and 2) some of the fashions that are coming out -just are not for me. I am a simple person. I like my plain collared shirts and my simple jeans/pants. And I must say, it is very difficult for me to find jeans/pants that I really like. Pants that I could spend all day in. Pants that could be dressed up or dressed down. And I have these "said pants" in my possession. Why would I want to discard them, and do the whole process all over again. It's really the same thing for shirts and shoes. You spend hours and hours looking for these items, and then you gain weight. Some things you wore once. So, why can't you hold on to these items--while you are trying to lose weight--in hopes of someday wearing them again. I must admit, I have held on to some of these items for a long time. But now I am doing something about it (or at least trying).

I will give myself a time limit. I am going to try to fit into my size 14's by May, however if I do not make my deadline, I will give myself until December 31, 2010 to fit into my size 14's and my Large tops. That sounds reasonable, Right? I weigh 219lbs right now. If I lost 2 lbs a week,--this year (Starting January 25, 2010-to make it easy for weigh ins-Monday)-- I would have lost 98 lbs. And if I lost 98 lbs, that means I would weigh 121lbs. And 121lbs is a heck of a lot smaller than a size 14. So, that is my quest--2lbs a week ( which is a healthy #to lose). I am on Jenny Craig, and the goal with their plan is 2lbs a week.

Can you imagine all of the clothes that I would be getting rid of? Wow. I know---I know a year is a long time, and losing weight is hard. But I will be getting rid of all of this physical clutter. And this blog is all about me clearing out my clutter while on 20 medications. Now the medications and the low thyroid may slow my process, but I am looking forward to this task. If I get rid of this physical clutter--I would also be getting rid of the emotional clutter that haunts me everyday that I am at this weight.

So, lets get to it. Shirts today -- the world tomorrow. Just kidding. I don't even know if I can finish my shirts today. I am going to give it a big go of it. I'll talk to you later. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. maybe you will be able to get rid of the clutter, physical clutter, and then the medications.......wouldn't that be great. I would venture to guess that it will not just be that easy to even lose 2 pounds a week while on meds. Ask your doctor. I think you are going to need to change habits more than just exercising. I like the idea of a time line to get rid of clothes, I have a feeling just by holding on to these few baskets you are going to be holding onto more physical clutter. that is my thought.

  2. I agree about losing weight while on meds and the habit issue. The Biggest Loser TV show has shown many times the people who are on meds losing lots of pounds in a week, but they're working out a good part of the day as well as on a healthy diet (that's provided for them--they cook their own food) while on the ranch. Those people do a life style change: getting rid of personal clutter on the inside (minds) and eating better foods w/out lots of fat and continued exercise. Also, many people on that show have lost 100 lbs and more. They also concentrate on toning and sculpting exercises targeting specific areas while losing weight. For me, many yrs ago I had a goal of reaching a certain weight, but even though I never attained it, I was fitting into a size 4 because of my continued exercising and toning--I gained some muscle weight which helps to burn calories. So exercise can even take off inches but as women our shapes seem to change with age.

    Clothes are a part of us--something like our personality--and I find it pretty emotional trying to discard them, even though I haven't worn them for a very long time. When the collared shirts came out w/added spandex, they were now a tighter fit and no way can I wear them. So the earlier shirts that were just plain cotton or poly/rayon fit me better. If you're wanting to save those name-brand clothes, maybe they should be stored elsewhere clearly marked until you fit into them and keep the current size clothes in your bedroom.

  3. Thanks Jan and Monica.Jan I did ask my therapist and she said that the medications that I am on tend for people to gain weight because it has them craving food especially starch. She said that if I chose to exercise, it would cancel out the food cravings. If I wanted to lose weight, I would have to not only exercise, but I would have to be on a healthy eating plan and ignore the cravings.
    Monica I agree that my clothes are like an addition to my personality. I completely agree with what you said about the collared shirts, and that is why I want to keep the ones that I own (the cotton ones). I have room in my closet to keep the clothes separate.

  4. Just remembered about storing clothes on hangers in the closet-should be about 1/2" apart (I think) to help prefent wrinkling. Nothing like ironing a garment, hanging it in the closet too close with others, then when choose to wear it, might have to iron it again. So now I usually iron it after it's been hung in the closet instead of right after washing it.

  5. If I iron something, it is usually before I am going to wear it.
