Monday, January 25, 2010

The Table is Clear

Here it is---our computer room table(s)---clean. The tote/basket system really works. I had this project done in under an hour.

This is what it looked like.


I did make it to the Y (pool) again today. I also got an orientation on the workout equipment. My calorie intake --I believe- was low today, so hopefully I burned more calories than I ate.

While I was watching some TV tonight, I sorted these QuicKutz dies. I am trying to put them in the teal holder you see in the picture above.

I not only wanted to sort them I want them to be in alphabetical order, but I did not get that accomplished.

I am going to go for now. I have a really bad toothache. Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Until then...

This is me. This is my blog.


  1. It looks great Deborah! Congrats to you on getting it cleared : ) Now you can see how pretty the table is!

  2. Great job !!! also congrats on 10 followers


  3. Thanks ladies. And I know 10 followers, I am so excited.
