Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pill Container * Work Table in Craft Room

So, here is my pill container. Crazy huh. Well, I need to keep everything organized and this container works the best, since I take my pills 4 times a day.

I ended up getting a headache and feeling nausea, so I went to my craft room. I took medication for my headache, and I cooked something so that I wouldn't get nausea, but I forgot to eat it.

So, here is my work table. I cleared it off. I also added some clear plastic containers for small stuff that I don't want to put right away.
I love being in here. The material looks so nice. In fact, I am doing this blog from my craft room and not the computer room. It's so quiet and peaceful up here--it's like I'm the only one in the house.
Well, maybe after I eat dinner I will feel better. Then, the choice is shirts or gym. Well, I have to go --- it's time to eat.
I'll keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. I so wish I lived closer. we could do it both together. I think you are not going to the gym right now because it seems so big (overwhelming). so take the gym out of the picture, (believe me I know how hard it is to go, but once you are there and moving you are like why don't I come twice a day??) so I think you should just walk once around your block everyday instead. (It would only take 15 minutes, but if the weather is nice maybe you will do it more than once a day) and it will keep you energized to do all of you organizing, plus you can accomplish something in just 15 minutes. Maybe try that. Oh and a bonus 15 minutes of sun a day can prevent the S.A.D. syndrom. (seasonal affective Disorder) you know from getting depressed.

  2. About the gym--try sitting down and jotting down the minutes it takes to drive to and back from the gym, then add how many min in the changing room, then in the pool, back to changing room. Just how long does it take? Out of a 16 hr day? I know it takes many hrs in a day to organize clutter. Maybe start jotting down--like clocking in at work--when you start organizing and when you stop it. What's your pattern? It's like me making a tinny bit goal-just clear off my dresser and dust it-but no, all of a sudden I find myself doing another task (that I don't care for) instead of clearing off that dresser. I substituted tasks instead of meeting that goal.

  3. Jan- always such good comments. I'm glad you got your computer problem fixed. I know what you mean about the gym. I will try the 15 minute thing, but I am craving the water from the Y. I really hope I can get motivated to go to the gym, but if I don't, I know I can squeeze 15 minutes into my day.

  4. Thanks for the comment Monica. That is a good idea because I will be able to see when I do the most work or when I workout. Thank you. I also have a problem with thinking that a little chore is not that important--I have to do something BIG for it to count.
