Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Clean-Up Day

Well, here is the mess that I have made. The folded material on the table needs to be put in it's proper box. The other material is scraps-I am going to bag it up and put it with my Salvation Army pile. The box on the chair has over flowing green material. I need to find another box, so that I can store all of it. The floor is full of cut strings and scraps. This task I dread, but it needs to be done. If I wasn't doing this blog, I don't know if I would be doing clean-up today. Thanks to my viewers, I am seeing this task to completion. It feels good to be accountable.

I have another therapy appointment today, and I fear it is not going to go well. My last therapy appointment was a disaster--I cried the whole session--I was a wreck. So, I am going to try to get as much done before my appointment as possible.

Everyone--thanks for viewing my blog----following my blog---and commenting on my blog. It really is keeping me motivated--and it helps when I have my tough therapy sessions.

Here is a story to end out the blog. You know how Ashton just hit 1,000,000 followers. Well, since he is a celebrity that reminded me of one of the celebrities that I have met (I have met about a handful). I was visiting my friend in Maryland (she lived close to Washington DC). We decided that we were going to visit the monuments. We were cutting through hotels, when we came upon a group of kids standing around this man. They were getting autographs. I was intrigued, so I waited until the crowd died down. I went up to him and said that I noticed all of the kids getting autographs, but I don't know who you are. He said have you ever heard of --Bo knows Baseball, Bo knows Football... I said Yes. He said, "I'm Bo." How funny is that. We started cracking up. I asked if I could get my picture with him because I didn't have any paper--he said yes. I must say he was the nicest and funniest celebrity that I have met so far.

Me and Bo Jackson (Can't you tell we were cracking up?).

I will keep you posted on my progress. Until then..

This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Well as for your mess, I have definitely seen worse! It doesn't look like that much and you have a plan of where to put everything so instead of making it seem like a bigger project in your head just start it and you will be suprised at how fast it will get done. What kind of scraps to the Salavation Army? Couldn't they just be thrown out?

  2. Yes, they could be thrown out.I guess. And throwing out the scraps will definitely make the project go faster.

  3. Deb,

    I have one suggestion that I know you probably won't like, but I really think you should have a garage/craft sale. Have you ever considered that??

  4. I have, but I don't have everything organized to the point that I would feel comfortable having a sale. I did have a sale about 2 years ago and I sold my ribbon by the yard--that sale went great. I could do that again. I have also sold some of my albums on Ebay. But as far as right now, I am just giving things to the Salvation Army (like my material- that did not go at the garage sale), so I get it out of the house. I know that I do have excess in all of my scrapbooking supplies, I am just not to the point that I could get rid of stuff right now. After I pare down, I could have a sale.
