Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Answer

The Answer is 22, but 2 of the items could have been hard to see, so 20 will do.

The table in this picture and the blue trash can.(2)

The chest full of toys...the 2 plants/vases...&the greenery on the mantle (6-total)

The table, the make-up/pill case, my purse, the trash can (hard to see), the stool for the drums, the 2 metal holders for our games and movies (13-total)
The wooden piece holding all of our movies, the 3 plants/vases, the lamp, the wooden basket-hard to see-bottom shelf. (19-total)

The lamp, the item holding the blankets, and the camera (hard to see- it's by the laptop) (22 total, but 2 were hard to see--so if you guessed 20 you did great.
And while I was doing that I got rid of 2 boxes and I'm working on a third.


  1. That was a great way to deal with clutter that day.

  2. Thanks Monica. I really enjoy your positive attitude. Thank you.
