Friday, January 29, 2010

The Evil Twin-PG13

Rated PG13
This is something that I wrote a few days ago, but I didn't post. I didn't want to cross some personal line again. This is something that really happened to me, and my sister thought it might be a good way for any mom trying to teach/tell her daughter about tampons. ha ha (Don't do what I did.) I don't know how you are with your monthly visitor, but mine is like an evil twin. I mean-- I want to eat ice cream, chocolate, anything sweet or anything chocolaty or anything salty. And I certainly don't want to do anything when she is around---I become somewhat lazy. And what about swimming? If your not a tampon girl, you go without swimming.

This brings me to today's story--I am not a tampon girl. Some are---I'm not. With this in mind---let me take you back to the year 2000. I needed to wear one of these tampons because I needed to swim. I tried and I tried. Then something tragic happened. It got stuck--half way in and half way out. (I now know that this is something common, but at the time-I thought I was the only one it happened to). So, then comes the year 2006. I am on the first family vacation with my husband and his 3 kids---We went to Disney World. My evil twin came lurking around. No big deal, when the kids would swim in the pool, I would conveniently take a nap. Until one day. The day that everyone was sunburned except Rachel. And she REALLY wanted to swim. She was 10 and she already had "the class" in school. I told her that I wasn't able use tampons, and she said --why not mom does. Yikes. She said, "Please try". What could I do? I had to try. So, I go into the bathroom. I am praying and I am assuring myself that everything would be ok. And --low and behold--it worked. I was so happy and proud of myself. So, we went to the pool and we swam.

After swimming, we go right back out to the parks. It was about dinner time, so we went to a restaurant, and I went to the bathroom ---I was bleeding. I called my sister immediately. And my sister said that she would have to call back. Now we are all (3 girls) outside the restroom. Jan calls. I tell her what has happened. She said--don't worry--sometimes you have to change them out. SO, I go back in. This should be easy --just take it out--right?----I burst out laughing. The girls want to know what I am laughing about---I said--I'll tell you outside. I had to call Jan--she was never going to believe this. So, I call her and I tell her---well you know how my other experience was bad---she said yes. Well, I guess I didn't want another bad experience to happen again, so I shoved the "whole thing" up there. She said, "You did what?" I said--- I shoved the "whole thing" up there (plastic & all) -I was nervous - I didn't want it to get stuck again. We were cracking up. She said --did you notice--couldn't you feel something up there. I said that I didn't know what to compare it to, so it felt normal. We continued laughing. Sometimes I wonder --how do I get myself into these types of situations. The girls wanted to know what happened. I said --It's moments like these that I am so glad that I have a sister --- And if you girls ever get in trouble-- remember you can always call on your sister. And as far as tampons go, have your mom explain them to you. I did tell them the story--and they laughed, but I think they only laughed because I was laughing so hard.

(I'm talking to my sister right now as I am posting )My sister is telling me to get off the tampon stories and get back to organizing. If this was too much --again I'm sorry. I ran it by my sister, my 2 step-girls, and my friend.Too much---maybe? Funny--Absolutely!
I will go for now. I'll talk to you later. Until then...

This is me. This is my blog.

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