Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Day of Rest *** Recover & Regroup

So, I have decided to take a day off. I am just flat out exhausted. I need some time to recover and regroup.
Things I need to do:
1) I still have 2 overflowing totes in my computer room of material that needs to be sorted and go downstairs. I already have the boxes set up, so the sorted material can go in them.
2) I have to find my swimsuit, so that I can go to the YMCA tomorrow.

My husband wants to take me to a movie today. In that case, I will need to get a shower and get ready. I really don't feel like leaving the house, but I do need to get some fresh air --- and it does seem nice outside.

I hope all of you have an easy day and I will talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Great idea about taking the day off. Everyone would benefit if they take one day off from working/shopping each week.

  2. Been meaning to tell you that there's a library book you might be interested in--it's currently checked out by me. The title is "FAST, FUN & EASY SCRAPBOOK quilts", by Sue Astroth. Fabric is made into appr 10"x15" wall quilt, using scrapbook items, like stamps, charms, photos, etc. When I was looking through this book I thought of you (after I started reading your blog) esp when you mentioned how a stack of fabric reminds you of your grandmother. You or someone else might like to make a quilt out of those gdma's fabrics for you.

    To help me with the emotional side of organizing my clutter, I'd ask myself this question: If something were to happen to me today, would the things I've kept/collected tell others what it means to me? For example, a dried up flower in a box could mean my first flower from a special friend, but to someone else, it'd only mean a dried up flower. But if this was put into my scrapbook, I could explain what it means to me or get rid of it.

  3. Monica, what a great post. I will look forward to checking that book out. Did you perhaps need any fabric for your project? The second part of the post was especially eye opening. Thank you again.
