Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Workout (1/26)

Well, here is the workout blog. If you are looking for motivation, look no further. You can use this blog as your accountability board. I will encourage you, and just maybe checking in on a daily basis is just what you need.
I haven't worked out yet, so I will have to post what I did in the comments. Good luck today--And have a great day.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. I will take your challenge - I used to go home from work and work out to one of my yoga dvd's - I haven't worked out in months - I need to get back in the habit.


  2. My work ID says weight 185...scale says 335. Working on it slowly. Going to Curves, trying for a minimum 3 days a week. Got two so far this week. Yeah me!

  3. Fantastic girls.These comments are funny because you are both named Roxanne. ha ha So, Roxanne from scrapbooking - I'm glad you are taking my challenge. I know just blogging about my workouts--encourages me to go. And for Roxanne S. I completely know what you mean about the ID thing. My license said 145 - yea right- I'm 219. I've never been to Curves--but it sounds like you like it.

  4. Well, I did the stepper today for 15 minutes--which was very hard. I did not go to the pool today.

  5. I worked until 8pm last night so no work out for me Roxanne

  6. That's ok, don't give up. I had working out on my planner for 3 weeks, before I went to the Y. And once I started posting, it made me want to go more. I have no doubt, you'll get there.

  7. Something I noticed about working out later in the evening--when I go to bed sometimes I have trouble sleeping. Exercise increases my metabolism which gives me energy. When I was younger and our children were little, I always worked out after they went to bed because that was the only time I could do it and had no trouble sleeping then. Maybe because I'm older working out at night is
    different. When our children were little maybe I was exhausted from taking care of them then and therefore had no trouble sleeping.

  8. Forgot to say that I worked out this morning-did yoga then sculpting (The Biggest Loser DVD)

  9. Way to go Monica. I am so glad that people are using this workout post. I will take your info about working out late into consideration. I try to workout in the afternoon, but sometimes I have to workout in the evening. Do you like your Biggest Loser DVD- I watched the show and I liked it.
