Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beginning

So, here is a little bit about me and my 20 meds. In the morning, I take Gabitril 4mg, Lorazepam 1 mg, Pristiq 50 mg, Adderall 20 mg, Protoniz 40 mg, Advair 250/50, Synthroid 88 mcg, and Women's One a Day Vitamin with Iron. At noon, I take Gabitril 4 mg, Lorazepam 1mg, and Pristiq 50 mg. At 3 pm, I take Adderall 20 mg. At night, I take Gabitril 8mg, Lorazepam 1mg, Lithium ER 675mg, Geodon 60mg, Seroquel 25-100mg, Singular 10mg, and Advair 250/50. That's the daily meds. I also receive a B12 shot every month. There you have it --20.

It is quite a challenge for me to stay focused. As you can imagine, I have clutter-clutter everywhere. I have read books and magazine articles. I have listened to friends, family, and others on their take on how to clear my clutter. I start something, and then I get side-tracked. Then, I start something else or I go back to my original task in hopes to finish just one thing. But, somehow I do not succeed. I have tried taking one room, but I found that overwhelming. Once I tried to just do one drawer, but I did not finish that day. IT'S A DRAWER. I get so frustrated with myself, and I wonder if anyone else has this problem. I sometimes don't know what to do with stuff, so I put it in a box. Now, I have a lot of boxes in my den, computer room, spare bedroom, craft room, garage, basement, and my bedroom closet. Boxes do look better than a beg mess, but now I have to do something with the boxes.

I used to be an air traffic controller, now I am reduced to this - not being able to organize a drawer. How pathetic. I can micro organize. I organize such things like my beads or my scrapbooking supplies. Needless to say, my craft room is a work of art. It is chaos with splashes of organization. Whenever I can not get a handle on life, I go there. It would really be great if it was organized to the point where I could do some scrapbooking or just hang out with all my stuff.

So, this year I will attempt to clear my clutter-again. Maybe if I journal my progress, I will be able to stay on task better. I have a tendency to look at stuff---save stuff---save stuff for other people---buy stuff in access---buy stuff that I already have---buy stuff that is pretty---buy stuff that is sparkly---blah,blah,blah.

This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Love it! Can't wait to read all about you getting organized one drawer or box at a time!

  2. Deb,
    I find your journaling idea revolutionary. You can do it honey!!! If not, watch out I am afraid your sister has the opposite challenge...she loves to clean shit out, throw it away, and then find a very thrifty, but cute replacement. Janis loves clean lines and things in 3's and 5's (such as picture frames). I am concerned that if you don't get a handle on your boxes, she might have another one of those lavish garage sales. Better for you to do it than her. I am going to save this in my favorite bookmarks and try to keep up on your progress.

    You asked for other people are going to keep you accountable, not just yourself.
    Luv ya,

  3. Thanks for the comment. You are right on when you spoke about Jan. I would love to be more like her. She is the one who encouraged me to start this blog. She is one smart cookie.Speaking of cookies - I am hungry all the time being on these meds. That's another thing to tackle - How to lose weight while taking 20 meds.ha ha Maybe that's next.

  4. Debbie!!

    Love it!!! I am so excited to read more, and I agree Jan may jump in there and help ya out!!! Keep it up!!

    Love you,

  5. Deb,

    I think this is a great idea! I think that blogging will definitely help keep you on track with clearing out the clutter. I, too, am a lot like Janis. I actually helped my mom clear out some of her clutter when I was home. Good Luck!

  6. Hi Deborah - Looks like you are doing a great job - I think sorting while watching tv is a good idea - time goes by fast and suddenly you look around and you have accomplished alot :-) It works for me when I have a big project. By the way - I love your blog - Great Idea !!!


  7. Thanks Roxanne. I think the TV idea is great. Thanks for looking at the blog. You're awesome.

  8. Hi, Deborah. You introduced me to your blog while scrapbooking on Jan 8. I'll share w/you some of my helps on containing clutter in the near future. You have courage to share this clutter publicly.

  9. I am looking forward to reading your comments. Everyday I look to see if there are any new comments because I never know who is new to my blog.
    Thanks for visiting.

  10. Since you don't want clutter ruling your life, you have taken steps to start containing it. If you decide to finish the fabric sorting, you'll feel that you accomplished this task and feel the freedom from this task.

  11. I know that I would have felt better finishing the task, but I decided to take a break. Most of the material that I have to still go through, I have sorted by color. But, I still have 2 totes that are not sorted. I have taken the boxes down to the basement, since the task is not done.
