Friday, January 15, 2010

Problem Letting Go

Problem, Problem, Problem. I am ridiculous. So, I was sorting the material last night, and it turned into another task. I began "eyeball" measuring and cutting the material that I liked or that I thought that I would use. I have a "Pretty" problem. I find material pretty. I did get a box for items that I found in my material (ex. shower curtains, table cloths, napkins ...), so that I can give them to the Salvation Army. I am also going to give 2 blankets to the Humane Society. They keep a list of items that they need on a regular basis (I have one of those lists).

As for the material ( I'm not going to bore you with another picture of material.), it's complicated. I think I might go through my boxes today and replace any material that I don't like. In my room, I have found room for 12 boxes. Anymore than that will have to go to the basement, until I can let go. But if I get to a point that I have had enough, I will just box up the material and do it a different day.

Well, I just heard the mail truck and I am eager to get the mail. So, I will keep you updated on my progress. Until then...

This is me. This is my blog.

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