Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Boxes? Are You Kidding Me!

So, I went down to my basement to find more wire cubicles. But, I couldn't find them. I went over to the other side of the basement where I was storing my material, and guess what--- MORE boxes. FOUR more boxes. I said to myself -- that is enough. I am going to finish the greens today, and I will look thru the boxes. If there is any material that I just have to have--I will take it out. But other than that---no more material for me. I don' t have enough room as it is. I can't even believe that I am saying these things. So, I must have a breaking point. If I found it on the material, what other supplies do I have that I could reach a breaking point. My guess is my paper, but that is a whole different blog.

So, I am going to make myself some hot coco and get to work. Today is it--the last day. And this hot coco that I speak of is----WONDERFUL. The hot coco that I would buy at the store never tasted as good as the ones that I would get from Starbucks or Bob Evans (yum). But this does. It is by Swiss Miss from their Indulgent Collection--DARK CHOCOLATE SENSATION. If you like hot chocolate, and you love the hot chocolate that you get out in public --- you will love this. You get 8 packs in the box. It says that you could make it with milk or water -- I use water (but I will have to try making it with milk sometime). So, grab yourself one of those big - over sized- mugs , make yourself some hot chocolate ( follow the instructions - you will need 2 packs and 2 cups), sit back, and enjoy your morning. If you really want to experience the restaurant way---top it off with some whipped topping. Yummmmmm. Well, my water is ready, so I will talk more later. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.