Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh - This Material

The word for the day is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I am now on Day #3. I need to finish up the blues, and I need to do the greens and the browns. What a task this has been. I never would have imagined it would take this long. When I woke up this morning my back was so tight--I was walking crooked.Again, I can see the progress, and for that I am thankful. Also, this is not a task that can be done in front of the TV ( I don't have any place that I can measure and cut), so it is getting a little mundane.

Today, I put the blues (almost all), the grays, and the blacks away. So, now I am ready to start today's task. I do have another doctor's appointment today, so I will not be able to dedicate the whole day to this task---hopefully I won't have to. Wish me luck.

Oh ---and by the way---I don't know what my sister is talking about when she said that I have too much material. Can you believe that? Yes, I may have material that I haven't used since I purchased it. Yes, I could probably cover 100 books and have material left over. Yes, I could have a tad---Just a Tad---too much material for my scrapbooking needs. But I have this saying in my craft room. "Too much of a good thing is --- Wonderful." So, if someone could put that saying on a piece of wood and sell it ---it must be true. Right? Right! My sister may know a lot about organizing, but I don't know about material. I think I need every color, pattern, and texture. What if I need a velvet piece of purple-- I have it. What if I need a satin piece of blue (in every shade) - I have it --just kidding--now that would be taking things a little too far. That would be ridiculous---crazy even. Anyway, all of the colors are so pretty when they are all cut, folded, and put neatly away wire cubicles.

I'm off to my appointment, then to never - never land. I will keep you posted (I don't even know if you guys care anymore about material). Nonetheless--I will keep you posted. Until then...

This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Maybe you should clear out your basement, put up sheleving to store your material to see (like you do now) and invite groups over for quilting or sewing projects. Free supplies they just have to teach you or make you a quilt square and then you can put the quilt together yourself. LOL oh deborah.

  2. OMG! Do NOT bring any of it on vacation with you!!!

  3. I never thought about bringing craft supplies on vacation. I could make bracelets, necklaces, ...quilts. I could make money while I was on vacation. Then again it might take me the whole week to set up...then I would want to see what the locals had to offer. Then, I would want to buy material from their native land. Boy does this sound like a good idea or what. Especially, since we have to pay per bag now. I better bring along more bags. ha ha ha

  4. Four large bags weren't enough last time! We will give you the balcony for your local findings. Can't wait to go! You will need it after your organizing adventure.

  5. Remember how I brought all those books on vacation because I didn't know what I wanted to read. Crafts would be lighter than books, so if I bring the crafts instead I won't be in the airport maneuvering them between suit cases because I am over the weight limit.

  6. Deb, I would be more than happy to buy some of your material from you! I have started sewing and I am going to start making cute,trendy burp cloths for some of my pregnant friends. I was going to go out and buy some cute fabric, but I will purchase a lot from you if you want to get rid of some of it. Let me know. :)

  7. What do you need? What sizes, colors, textures? I can definitely send you some--I have more than enough.
