Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mail in The "Recycle" Bag?

So, my sister asked me for the second time if I had received a package. I told her that I haven't been getting the mail. You see I used to get the mail and put it on the table. And now that I am not going to do that anymore, I didn't know where to put it. I am not at her level yet. I am not an executive of the paper in the household. That seems like so much work. So, I just left it in the mailbox. I think I told you already that my husband dumped a whole bunch of newspapers on our computer room floor. Each of them were neatly bound in an orange plastic bag. There were so many newspapers that one had fallen into the snow beneath the mailbox.--And we are supposed to only get the weekend paper, but for some reason they feel compelled to give us more. I wish they would get the hint---we are not on vacation--we just don't know what to do with all of the paper. So, as you can see, the newspapers intimidated me---can you imagine what the mail would do to me?

Well, I finally did get the mail today---I had to use one of those "recycle" bags that are normally used for groceries. It is full. So, I'm talking to my sister and she asks if I got a package--I said I got the mail--and I think there is a package in there. She said -- Who doesn't open packages? I said it's in a bag, but I can get it.


So, I get it and it is from "Big Fan", and it is addressed to my last name only and under it it said "Deborah Clearing Clutter While On..." I was cracking up. She wrote..I love your blog. Here is a little something to help you out. Love -- Janis from Pittsburgh. She and I couldn't stop laughing. She said --Julie-- from "Julie and Julia" received a package too. So, my sister sent me some Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate with Raspberry Filling & a book called The Organized Life by Stephaine Denton. Yummmmm. This was such a nice surprise. Chocolate and Organizing Tips --- How Perfect. What a great sister --huh. And I may have just learned a lesson or two about leaving my mail in the mailbox. ha ha

I am still working on the clean-up of the computer room. Therapy went a lot better than I could have ever imagined. I had to go to Verizon because I couldn't get any service on my phone. And I had to get my passenger mirror replaced. My day was full. When I came home I took a nap. I was exhausted. I think not only from the tasks of the day, but from all of the organizing that I am doing. Exhausting -- I tell you ---Exhausting.

So, it is 12:46am and I am going to call it a day. I hope I don't have nightmares about that darn mail. I will talk to you tomorrow. Until then...

This is me. This is my blog.

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