Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wicker Baskets ...for My Pants

In the baskets, are my jeans, pants, cropped pants, and skirts for the various sizes. From the bottom, it's 18, then 16, then 14. I did get rid of any items that I did not like. Some of the 18's don't fit, so I moved them to the 16's. It looks like I have a lot of 18's, but the photo was taken before I moved the items.

I am going to call it a day. It is 9pm, and I didn't make it to the YMCA. But I did tackle the pants in my closet.

These are the only pants that fit. Trying on the pants was not as difficult as I thought. If you had a chance to read the last post and comments, I organized my weight in a way that I didn't feel like an 18. Maybe a wide 17 1/2, but certainly not an 18. This organizing weight theory is unprecedented. Revolutionary even. And it all stems from my therapist having me realize that weight can be considered physical clutter. And where there is clutter--there can be organization. Genius! I tell you --- GENIUS.

I am going to keep trying to make it to the Y. Someday I will make it and it will be a victory. For now --- my victory is my organized pants. I also organized my underwear/bras. The size that is not mine -for the moment- is in a bottom drawer, while my size is in one of the top drawers.

Hope all is good with you. And I will talk to you tomorrow. Until then...

This is me. This is my blog.


  1. those baskets look so pretty! I think I should challenge myself and everytime I comment I should have to drink H2o.

  2. I don't know. You comment a lot. There is such a thing as too much water.

  3. Deb,

    I LOVE the ideas of the baskets in your closet. I think I may do the same! You are doing such a great job. Sorry I haven't been on to comment lately. I had food poisoning last week. :(


  4. Yuck. Don't worry. I hope you have fun catching up.
