Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another Day of Shopping and Appointments

Well, I don't have any pictures to post today. I have pictures to post, but I am at my desktop computer, and I don't know how to put the chip in. Anyway, my 1st appointment was to my psyc., and that was interesting. I told her about the middle-aged spread, and she wants "us" to workout for an hour everyday starting tomorrow. You know what that meant---I needed to buy some movies and TV series. I'll be in my basement on my treadmill watching TV for an hour everyday. EVERYDAY. That seems a little absurd to me, but I did do a pinky swear. And you know what that means---I've got to do it.
Then, I went to JoAnn Fabrics to look at some fabric to hang from my ceilings. After looking through each row--and every fabric---I finally found one. It was what I was looking for. My sister says that stripes are HOT---and my new room needs to be HOT--TRENDY---&----FUN. All capitals I tell ya. This fabric is a stripe with pink, white, and black. The stripes are not too big or too small---they are perfect. I bought what they had, and I will have to order the rest of the material ---after I show it to my sister --of course. I think she will be happy with my choice.
Next, I went to Best Buy---and that is why I don't have my netbook right now. Whenever I bought it, they told me that I could upgrade the memory within 30 days for a special price. And well, it has almost been 30 days, so I had to take it in. They are doing some memory scan on it, and they said that the longer that they can do the scan the better. So, I will get it back tomorrow. Just a little inconvenience, but I think it is worth it. Anyway,---that is the story.
So, I am going to go watch some TV, and I will be sorting some crafts during the commercials. There is no point in wasting time---right? Right.
I will go for now. I will keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Good to hear about your new workout program. You can do. It'll be more fun (yes?) while watching T.V. When I ride my exercise bike I read a book or a magazine--the only way for me to keep on biking.
