Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CD Rack and A Re-Cap

The original purpose of this shelving unit was to house my beads. Since we are decorating my craft room with shelving that is similar (same size and color), I repurposed it.

Here is the shelving unit in the computer room. I plan on painting it white because this room is to be painted yellow.

I did this project, but...

I am left with this mess (that I still have to clean up).

This mess that I still have to clean up.

This is how I left our kitchen...a mess


And my craft room...a Big Mess


My sister thought that we should keep this piece for the craft room--it may save me some money when I go to buy my furniture for this room.





Tomorrow I really need to clean up all of my little messes. I am not looking forward to it. I am also not looking forward to cleaning my craft room, but once I do, I will feel a lot better.

Well, I am going to go for now, but I will keep you updated. Until then...

This is me. This is my blog.


  1. The CD rack looks great! Paint can do wonders!! I am sure it is going to be so pretty when you are all done : )

  2. I still remember the "cleaned" kitchen before it got messy. How about taping the "cleaned kitchen" picture to the wall of the kitchen to remind you how it clean it looks when it's messy? In our house I have taped up "before" pictures to a room to remind me of the blessings we now have, like a remodeled room.

  3. Thanks Angela. I can't wait to paint it. I now think I like the yellow on the cd rack better than the yellow I had picked out for the room.
    Monica--thanks for the tip. I will have to do something like that--maybe that will keep me motivated.
