Monday, March 1, 2010

Workout (3/1)

It's Monday and a new fresh start. Do you have any plans to workout today? I do. Remember I am starting my vacation tomorrow, so I need to get these workouts in. I am a bit sore still in my left arm and in my Achilles tendon (both). And I am tired---I need to pull myself through this slump that I am in.
One comment that I have received is to workout with weights. I think I may start doing that this week--if I can. They said that you can lose more weight lifting weights and aerobic exercise instead of just aerobic exercise. So, I will give it a try.
I'm going to go for now and I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. I plan to work out tonight after work

  2. Did my workouts. Several days a week I do sculpting/toning with hand weights and really like it, as well as seeing the results: my smaller tops are fitting better.
