Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stamps Are Done

Remember---this is what the shelves looked like. After clearing the shelves, moving the unit, and putting my stamps on the shelves---Here is what it looks like now. Such a big difference. My car is now almost empty (my stamps have been there from my visit to my sister's). I made room so that I could have my stamping/drawing books in the same place as my stamps.
This is what I did with the open space:
I put my treasures from my vacations on a display unit (that I will paint white). I also kept the clear black plastic drawers, so that I can put memorabilia and photos in them until I can scrapbook them. I don't know if my sister will go for it. She wanted the plastic drawers out of there. Well, we'll see.

I found this book while I was clearing my shelves, so I am going to take a little break and look at some pictures.
All that is left is easy stuff---sort of (no more heavy lifting). I need to finish that box of fibers, and blah, blah, blah. I want some chocolate cake---that sounds so good to me right now. Maybe I'll bake a cake or maybe not. If you know me---I do not know my way around a kitchen. I might as well make the chocolate cake batter and eat that. I am one that should not be around a stove---just kidding (well---I'm really not). Anyway, I'll let you know if I get to eat some batter today. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. The boxed stamps sure look nice there. About those clear drawers--because you can see them, they won't be out of mind.

    Since you're wanting chocolate cake, are you maybe stressed out some? Here a few healthier foods that I read in Yahoo news that are good for stress: Dark Chocolate (you oughta love that one)--high in flavonoids, relaxing properties (chamomile tea another good source), contains chemical enhancing your mood. Darker the choc more healthy substances you're getting.

    Oatmeal--carbs help you prodce serotonin, calming hormone helps fight anxiety's negative effects, is high in fiber, meaning your body will absorb it slowly.

    Walnuts--been shown help lower blood pressure, recommended by FDA of 1 1/2 oz per day.

    Sunflower Seeds--good source of folate, helps body produce pleasure-inducing brain chemical.

    Spinach (one of my favorite veggies)--contains magnesium which improves your body's response to stress.

    Blueberries (yay)--antioxidants counteract effects of stress hormones.

    Whether you wanted the above or not, you've got it now.

  2. Have a reason why when I stamped pigment ink onto cardstock, it smeared after a few days? Is this ink better for another use, than just plain stamping? Want to use white inkstamp on black cardstock for wedding invitation, and this white pigment ink smeared.

  3. Pigment ink takes a long time to dry---it is not uncommon for pigment ink to take 2 days. But I believe white only comes in pigment ink. One thing you can do to speed up the drying process is to use a blowdryer or they have special dryers to dry craft/card projects. I have one if you want to borrow it. Just let me know. The power of a blow dryer may cause the task to become frustrating. This craft blow dryer is more localized, but it is still powerfull. This craft dryer will burn the paper you are trying to dry. Call Natalie to get my phone number if you want to borrow the dryer.

  4. Wow. 2 days to dry. Good thing I found this out so we can get started on this invites sooner in order for the ink to dry. I'm so grateful for your advice. Didn't know it'd take that long. I did try the blow dryer but wasn't impressed. Borrowing a craft dryer sounds good if you really don't mind parting with it for awhile, and will call Natalie in the near future.
