Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Piece of Cake and Some Books

I need to start off with this picture. I don't know if you can tell what it is, but it is a picture taken with my husband's phone of a piece of chocolate cake. The bizarre thing about this is: 1) I was talking about how much I wanted to eat some chocolate cake today and 2) this picture was taken at a bar (the karaoke lady's sister was celebrating a birthday and gave everyone a piece of cake (their choice white or chocolate). I couldn't believe it. I received my piece of cake --- that I wanted--- in a bar, and it was delicious. Even the icing was delicious.

Well, here is another thing that I accomplished today---I put away the raffia (the 4 boxes on top of the fibers).
So, I finished the raffia, the mesh, the burlap, the beads (on a string), the twists, the toole, and another material that just escapes me right now. Anyway, they are all finished and I have put the materials away.
I am still working on those 2 boxes. This project is just dragging on -- it seems.

Here are the books that I removed from the chrome shelving.


And as if I didn't have enough books, I bought these while I was visiting my sister. I have a thing for books---I love them. And it's not like they just sit there, I constantly go back and look through my books. But if I am completely honest, there probably are a couple of books that I could get rid of. I will go through them to see which ones will go to the Clearing My Clutter Party/Garage Sale. It will be hard, but I do need to clear my clutter. So, if I haven't looked at it within the past 2 years, I will get rid of it.
Well, I am going to go for now. I will keep you updated. I definitely did not get everything done today that I wanted to, but there is always tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. It was great that you didn't have a whole cake, just a piece for that day. My favorite cake too. Yum!

    Great to see the fibers, etc., getting put away. Little by little, it's getting done!
