Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Day of Sugar Crashing

I had a psyc appt and I just gave in. I went to BK and got an OREO milkshake and a Hershey Pie. I came home and slept, then I woke up and had steak for dinner---time to crash again. Just kidding. I went up to my craft room and continued reducing my clutter. Well, I am actually reorganizing it. Since I need to get rid of many pieces of furniture in my craft room, I am condensing my supplies into clear plastic containers.
I did clean up the living room today. Yeah. Well, I am going to go for now--I'm just not in the mood to blog. But I can tell you this---I like the taste of diet Sunkist. Well, I'll keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Hang in there Deborah!
    Health and happiness,

  2. I'm trying Angela. I just went through some of my jewelry...Do you want me to send you a little care package? It will help me get rid of some of my stuff and maybe you can give me some tips on how to store them. My email is if you want to send me your address.
