Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tackling the Ribbon

Today, was a lazy day for me. But, then ---all of a sudden-- I got a burst of energy.

I went to my craft room to start the overhaul project. The picture to the left is some of my ribbon. I boxed it up--- sorted by color--- and put it in the boxes below. (If you remember, I had my stickers in them.) White shelves from IKEA are going to line the wall that contained the chrome shelving, the black shelving, and the yellow shelves.



Then, I went to the shelves that held my fibers. I neatly stacked all of the totes in the middle of the floor. This is the area that my couch, coffee table, and chair will be. Once I remove the 2 shelving units...the room will definitely open up.

I also started working on the other black shelves.
The ribbon to the right is all that's left of both black shelves. I would have boxed them up, but I ran out of boxes. I have boxes, but they are being used for something else. So, I just have to clear those boxes out, find another container to hold what was in it, and then I will be set. I know that I at least have 4 boxes left--hopefully that does it. Then, these shelves can go downstairs too.
Tomorrow, I will be working in the garage (making room for the shelves and furniture that I am not using.
I have taken before photos because I cannot wait to see how this transformation is going to take place. I just thought of something--I may cut a piece of every ribbon and make a key chain for them. That way I will have all of my ribbon at my fingertips and I will not have to display it. GENIUS.
Well, I am going to go for now. I will keep you informed. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Like that idea of the ribbon key chain.

  2. Thanks Angela and Monica. I do love the ribbon--it is so pretty, but I may have a tad to much.I may have to condense--I know--I hate to even think it.
    I really like the key chain idea too. I hope I can make it work. I have been thinking about ideas on how to make it work.
