Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Dad's Organized Garage

So, here it is. The Garage. Now, you may be asking yourself --why am I posting about my dad's garage. Well, quite frankly---I don't think that you will see a garage as organized as this one. And he uses it all the time--but you would never guess. My sister called him obsessive compulsive-anal retentive-to the 9th degree. Me--I say he can organize Micro and Macro.

The cabinets are the ones from his kitchen--he replaced them, so he painted them and repurposed them as his garage cabinets. The picture next to it is his work bench with many containers.




So, I took these pictures when my dad was at an appointment. When he came home, I told him that I had taken 107 photos of his garage. He said, "What --- it is a mess down there". What? You see the pictures.


  1. Wow, we need your Dad at our house! LOL! He is amazing : )

  2. Love those garage pics too. So I copied, pasted and saved them to use for our future garage organizing.
