Monday, March 15, 2010

Workout (3/15)

It's Monday--the first day of the week. Do you plan your workout week? Or do you just wing it? We only have 2 weeks left in our challenge. We can do it. Last week, while I was on vacation, I worked out. It wasn't the same type of workout that I am used to, but I walked and I did my stepper. I enjoyed walking so much that when I got home --- I walked my dog. I think it is something that I am going to start doing. Anyway, do what is fun to you. I really enjoyed walking with my sister and her kids, although I did breakout in hives (but that is another story).
So, I will talk with you tomorrow. Good Luck.


  1. Congratulations Deborah! That is awesome : ) 8lbs is great... Remember, slow and steady wins the race : )
    PS. You have inspired me to start a blog... I am not sure how well I will do or if I will keep up with it.. But here it is:
    Have a great day!

  2. I like to walk too - can't wait for warmer weather to walk at the park
