Saturday, March 20, 2010

Finishing Out the Day

Check Spelling
I decided to work outside today. It has been such a nice day, and with my fountain in the background---what else could I want.
This was my working area. It was actually quite comfortable.

Today I realized that even though I had 3 boxes of blue ribbon and 4 boxes of green ribbon, various shades were in all the boxes. So, I decided to sort the ribbon. One box now contains light blue ribbon, one has aqua ribbon, and so forth. Not only will this help me when I am working on a project and I need to see which shade will work the best, it will also help me in finding the ribbon. To end out my day, I am going to label each box and the corresponding clip of ribbon. I did find duplicates which I plan on selling at our community garage sale. Last year when I sold my ribbon by the yard---well let's just say --I was cutting ribbon the whole time. It was a huge hit. So, I plan to do the same this year.

These are the colors that I finished today: silver, white, yellow, blue, and green.
So, now it is time to label, and put these boxes away. I need to find a place to hang my clips. I do have one of those lines from IKEA where you can hang it on your wall (like a towel rack), and then clip your items to it. We'll see. I also have a piece of furniture?--it's actually a rack to hold dishes. I may paint it and repurpose it for my ribbon.
Well, I must go---I still have work to do. I will keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Ohhh, I see our daughter's wedding color ribbon hanging up.

  2. Doing your craft work outside reminds me that I should do the same with my hands on work. Thanks for reminding me.

  3. Monica you are funny -- noticing a particular ribbon. And if you can work outside--I think you should--soak up some of that sunshine.
    Thanks Angela--we just had it put in late last year. A local guy has his own business and he does all the work himself. He suffered a stroke, so a lot of the projects got pushed back. I didn't mind. He is such a nice man and a hard worker. It is nice finally having the chance to be outside with it running.

  4. I'm checking out IKEA since I've seen the products in magazines, but don't know much about it.

  5. I couldn't help but notice a particular ribbon--that's all I've been seeing lately because of the wed planning.

  6. IKEA is a great place to shop. The nearest one is in Pittsburgh, PA.
    Monica--what color is being used in the wedding.
