Thursday, March 4, 2010

Workout (3/4)

It's Thursday--and are you working out? I need to workout today. I just got to my sister's house, and I'm already settled in. Have stepper--will travel. I hope all of you are doing better than I am at exercising. I am doing pretty good at eating healthy--I only went out to eat 1 time, and that was at Olive Garden. I loved their new dish--I'm not sure what it is called, but it has chicken and pillows of pasta filled with cheese and very tasty sauce. It was delicious.
Well, Good Luck working out and eating healthy. Oh, hey I'm on vacation--Did you know that my sister is a fabulous cook and she will be cooking for me all this week. Right now she is making me toast and scrambled eggs. I think I will make my favorite hot chocolate too.
See ya--and I will talk to you later.


  1. Well, I worked out today--I did my stepper while Jan did her balancing ball.

  2. Great to hear. Did my workout too.
