Friday, April 16, 2010

What A Week!

I am truly sorry that I have not been blogging this week. I think I fell into a mini depression. I still need to go through the bags from my "Clutter Clearing"boy. I had a talk with him, and now he is going slower, but he is sorting more---this method I find a lot better. I received a letter from the VA that I really need to take care of. There is a time limit on it, and the last 2 times that I dealt with the military, I had a breakdown. So, I am really feeling a lot of stress on that issue. I need to do my craft room, my bedroom, my bathroom, my living room, my den, my computer room, my kitchen, my basement, and my garage. I have been painting furniture to relieve some of my stress. Luckily, it has been nice outside, so I have been painting in my garage.

Here is something that I did this week. I organized my beads onto this shelf that my sister wanted me to keep. It is a pretty unique shelf and since it is not very tall, it is going to work great as a room divider. On the back of it, I am going to attach a rod with hooks, so that I can hang some material and it will look like curtains. One of my best friends is going to have her husband hem the material for me, and he is also going to hem a place for the rod to go through. It works out really good. They used my sewing machine to do their curtains for their home, and now they are going to do the curtains for my craft room.

This is another project that I did. Some of my flowers are in clear pails, while others were in these clear containers. The containers are perfect for holding and organizing your flowers, but with the new shelving that I am buying from IKEA (it is only D11 inches), so the containers would not fit on the shelves nicely. So, I repurposed my "guy workshop" drawers, and I put the remainder of my flowers in them (by color--of course). These drawers will fit on the shelves nicely, and I have a small extra one to expand my collection. That is always a nice bonus. I am going to keep the ones that I already have in the clear pails---in the clear pails---because I like the way they look.

Here is another project that I did. I love suitcases, but with the new shelves that I am getting, I would not be able to put the suitcases on top of the bookcases because they are too deep. I had these shelves in my garage, and I was going to use them for my basement. I put them together in the basement just to make sure that they could hold my suitcases. (If they couldn't---they were already where they were supposed to be. But, as luck would have it, my suitcases fit. The only thing was that I couldn't put the top shelf on because then the black suitcases wouldn't fit.
Now that everything is together, I need to find a way to make it look girly. I thought of covering the shelves with material. I'm just not sure. And if I can't find a way to make me love it, I will just have to get rid of the suitcases. Bummer. But I need to love my room ---right? Right! And right now those suitcases look like they are on some shelving made for the garage or basement---and I can't have that. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Here is a piece of furniture that I wanted to keep. It is going behind my desk, and it will hold things like: staples/stapler, rubber bands, calculator, push pins, business cards, note pads, some mememorabilia, and a fan for the summertime. I don't know if you remember this piece, but it was wood and it was going to be by my doorway with memorabilia on it. Now the suitcases are there, so I needed a place for it.

I'm not sure if this is the way it will stay, but I really would like to keep it.
...........the basement..............

This is what my "Clearing Clutter" boy has been doing. I cannot believe his progress---and I am so happy about the whole thing. All I have to do is take 1 box at a time. He is not throwing away as much, and he is taking his time. He considers himself an employee (that's what he said the other day)---it was so cute. Anyway, we worked out the terms and this seems to be a better approach. He really didn't want to throw away items that were needed.
Well, that is it. Well---I did do a few other things, but these were the big things. I haven't worked out since I stopped blogging about it, so I am going to start it up again. It will be called the 15 minute Workout. My therapist and I came up with it. It is easier to get yourself to do 15 minutes of something rather than 30 minutes of something. So, we are going to apply that to working out.
So, there you have it. I will keep you informed. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. Everything is looking good Deborah! Glad your "Clear You Clutter Boy" is finally working out.
    I think that is a good idea to do 15 minute workouts. Slow and steady wins the race!
    Health and happiness,

  2. Thanks Angela. And one of my friends inquired about your jewelry. She said that she went to your website, but everything was already sold. I told her to contact you and that you could possibly make her a piece (if she saw something she liked). Anyway, thanks again for the positive comments.

  3. The sparkly stuff looks great and glad to hear that you have an "employee". Having a partner helping with reorganizing really make a difference, doesn't it? Sounds like the 15 min work-out idea will work for you.

  4. Yes, I am happy that I have someone helping me. And I hope the 15 minute workout "works out". lol

  5. WOW! I always wonder if we go into a funk at the same time?
