Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Small Cabinet

Well, today went as planned. I worked a lot on my paperwork and I made a few phone calls.
I transferred this cabinet from room to room, until I put it into the bathroom. This little thing holds my headbands, hair ties, hair clips, make-up, and nail polish. I had made up my mind that this piece was going to be in the garage sale, but then I got the bright idea to put "little" things in it.
I remember when I bought it and where (TJ Maxx). I am glad that I found a use for it.
I did end up changing this shelving unit around. My friend came over and had an opinion about the suitcases. She said that in most of my room, things are in clear containers, so that you can see what is in them. The suitcases do the exact opposite. I told her that I really liked the suitcases, but my mind could be changed. And it was. I put my canvas boxes, and my scrapbooking "luggage" in the shelving unit. For now, it seems like a nice fit. It is not the pretty scene (a pretty cabinet, a lamp, and a picture)---like my friend had wanted. But, it is functional, and I think I like it.
So, that was my day. I will keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.


  1. you could take pictures for an organizing magazine, you make everything look so good!!!!

  2. Thanks Jan. You know how I love to take pictures.
