Sunday, January 31, 2010
My Favorite Town Store---Closed
Workout (1/31)
I'll talk to you tomorrow. Remember--if you are interested it is Monday weigh in. See ya.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Frozen SUV? - SMART Husband-Nah
So, I did my vehicle today. I am now going to retire to my craft room for the night. I hope all of you had a good day. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
My Vehicle
I received a great post from a reader who told me to pack a picnic for when I go to my appts. This is such a great idea because it will keep me away from the fast food places. So, I am going to try it--even if I take an "Anytime Bar" from Jenny Craig---it will hold my cravings until I have a chance to get home--and hopefully make better choices.
As for organizing my vehicle, I have bought many products to help me keep my vehicle organized, they are just not in my vehicle right now.
So off I go into the wild blue yonder---to get my vehicle washed, change the steering wheel cover, and to clean and organize the vehicle. I'll keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
The Weekend
So, I'll talk more later. Hope you are having a good day.
Workout (1/30)
It is also good to make small goals. I used to count down daily, now I do it weekly. That's why I have the Monday weigh in. You don't have to participate, but if you want to post that you lost .5 lbs or that your jeans feel better--post it. I have broken the year into little goals.This "term" is 15 weeks, the next is 5 weeks, then 10 weeks, then 7 weeks, and the last "term" is 5 weeks. I went through my calendar and saw when I had something going on like a vacation, Black Friday--anything that would give me something to put my eyes on. This makes it easier for me to have a goal not to lose weight (because that haunts me everyday), but to lose weight for something that I am going to do. So, maybe if you look at your year ahead and say, I would like to be a little thinner or I would like my pants to be more loose by St. Patrick's Day---that will work for you. You can keep small goals in your calendar-- The way I have it set up ---for example---on this Monday weigh in and then under that 14 weeks. Because whenever I wrote down the days, in the back of my mind I thought--98 days--that's a long time---I can skip today. But when I see the number 14-- I think everyday is important and I need to workout today.
Well, that is just how I do it. And it has been a process for me. Like I said--I had written in my planner to workout for 3 weeks before I made it to the gym. It is hard to get motivated--but maybe this blog will help.
So, good luck to you. And let me know what works for you. I have already had some great comments about what time of the day works best for some of the readers. And some readers have included their workout routine---which I find very motivating and helpful.
I'll talk to you tomorrow and I will post my workout. Thanks for being a reader of the blog and have a nice day.
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Evil Twin-PG13
This is something that I wrote a few days ago, but I didn't post. I didn't want to cross some personal line again. This is something that really happened to me, and my sister thought it might be a good way for any mom trying to teach/tell her daughter about tampons. ha ha (Don't do what I did.) I don't know how you are with your monthly visitor, but mine is like an evil twin. I mean-- I want to eat ice cream, chocolate, anything sweet or anything chocolaty or anything salty. And I certainly don't want to do anything when she is around---I become somewhat lazy. And what about swimming? If your not a tampon girl, you go without swimming.
This brings me to today's story--I am not a tampon girl. Some are---I'm not. With this in mind---let me take you back to the year 2000. I needed to wear one of these tampons because I needed to swim. I tried and I tried. Then something tragic happened. It got stuck--half way in and half way out. (I now know that this is something common, but at the time-I thought I was the only one it happened to). So, then comes the year 2006. I am on the first family vacation with my husband and his 3 kids---We went to Disney World. My evil twin came lurking around. No big deal, when the kids would swim in the pool, I would conveniently take a nap. Until one day. The day that everyone was sunburned except Rachel. And she REALLY wanted to swim. She was 10 and she already had "the class" in school. I told her that I wasn't able use tampons, and she said --why not mom does. Yikes. She said, "Please try". What could I do? I had to try. So, I go into the bathroom. I am praying and I am assuring myself that everything would be ok. And --low and behold--it worked. I was so happy and proud of myself. So, we went to the pool and we swam.
After swimming, we go right back out to the parks. It was about dinner time, so we went to a restaurant, and I went to the bathroom ---I was bleeding. I called my sister immediately. And my sister said that she would have to call back. Now we are all (3 girls) outside the restroom. Jan calls. I tell her what has happened. She said--don't worry--sometimes you have to change them out. SO, I go back in. This should be easy --just take it out--right?----I burst out laughing. The girls want to know what I am laughing about---I said--I'll tell you outside. I had to call Jan--she was never going to believe this. So, I call her and I tell her---well you know how my other experience was bad---she said yes. Well, I guess I didn't want another bad experience to happen again, so I shoved the "whole thing" up there. She said, "You did what?" I said--- I shoved the "whole thing" up there (plastic & all) -I was nervous - I didn't want it to get stuck again. We were cracking up. She said --did you notice--couldn't you feel something up there. I said that I didn't know what to compare it to, so it felt normal. We continued laughing. Sometimes I wonder --how do I get myself into these types of situations. The girls wanted to know what happened. I said --It's moments like these that I am so glad that I have a sister --- And if you girls ever get in trouble-- remember you can always call on your sister. And as far as tampons go, have your mom explain them to you. I did tell them the story--and they laughed, but I think they only laughed because I was laughing so hard.
(I'm talking to my sister right now as I am posting )My sister is telling me to get off the tampon stories and get back to organizing. If this was too much --again I'm sorry. I ran it by my sister, my 2 step-girls, and my friend.Too much---maybe? Funny--Absolutely!
I will go for now. I'll talk to you later. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Clean Again
Here is the before and after of the computer room table. I received some great comments on how some of the readers clean-up after their task is complete. I am really thankful that I have this blog and the people who are a part of it to help me out and to keep me motivated.
I want to say Hello! to Lynette (our newest follower). How are you? I hope you are doing great. Like I tell all of my new followers, if you start from the "Beginning" and you leave comments, I will get them. I read over a spreadsheet everyday about the comments, so I know if any new ones have come in. I hope you enjoy the blog. I have also started a workout post everyday to motivate people like me who are on the quest to lose weight. We just post if we did any exercise or if we avoided any foods. It has been a real encouragement to some. And if you ever want to encourage someone, that is the perfect place to do it. Everyone on that post wants/needs encouragement. On Mondays, I have set up a post for weigh in's--again it is for encouragement purposes. So far this week I lost 1.5 lbs--hopefully I can keep it off until Monday. So, thanks for joining and I am looking forward to your comments.
Well, I had lunch with my best friend from high school (Kim) today. We talked for like 4 hours--it was great. We talked about being step-moms and we reminisced about old times. I laughed so much I had a headache when we were through. Now, that's when you know you've had a good time.
I hope your day was as good as mine. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Workout (1/29)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Put Away?
Whenever I was going through some rough times, I had panicked at the dentist. He eventually gave me the "gas", so that I could get through the work that he needed to do. After awhile, he felt that I could handle things again on my own--so he didn't give me the "gas" anymore. I liked getting the "gas" because it would calm me down and I wasn't afraid/anxious to go to the dentist anymore. Now, that isn't the case. I handle it on my own, which I guess is a good thing--it means I'm getting better/stronger--but I am left feeling stressed and anxious.
With that stress, I went to Burger King. I ordered a hamburger and onion rings (usually I would have a Whopper Jr., fries/onion rings, pop, and a Hershey pie). So, even though I broke down, I did ok.
I have to go to therapy today, I have a feeling that it may be stressful--the whole family is going. So, I don't know if I will get a task in today. I am going to try to go to the Y around 7pm and I will try to get a task done -- even if it is small.
I will keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Workout (1/28)
So, post your workout, or something you did good today ( maybe you ate 1 less donut). Due to "life", I will not be able to workout until 7pm tonight. But, I will talk to you in the comments and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
From This to That
Before ...................
And this task is done before 2pm, so now I can go swimming. I hope all of you are having a good day. And if you feel like encouraging someone, go to today's workout blog--it will be much appreciated.
I'll talk to you more tomorrow, unless I do a project tonight. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Hallway Continued
I want to say Hello! to my newest follower, Tricia. How are you? I don't know if you are going to read the blogs from here or from the beginning, but if you go from the beginning, and if you leave comments, I will read them. Everyday I check the comments on a so-called "spreadsheet" to see if I have any new ones. I'm glad that you have joined. My therapist says that I have started quite a little cult for myself. I said that is crazy. But --I am asking all of my followers to meet me at a church---in the woods. I will be serving Kool-Aid and cookies. Just kidding. That would be a little weird--I'll probably make brownies. That being said, she wanted the web address. Sweet. I've roped her in.
So, I'll keep you up dated, but for now I am going to watch some Boston Legal with my husband ---snuggled on the couch---with a big comfy blanket---and some hot coco. That will surely get me motivated to do something today. Right? Right! Until then...
This is me.This is my blog.
Workout (1/27)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
3 Boxes Down
The Answer
It's a Mystery
Workout (1/26)
I haven't worked out yet, so I will have to post what I did in the comments. Good luck today--And have a great day.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Clearing and Separating
This is the pile in the hallway that I am going to tackle today. I may not finish, but I will start. It is mostly craft stuff or stuff that needs to go down to the basement.
As I was driving to my therapy appt., it dawned on me that some people may not want to read about other people working out. So, I have come up with a system. Everyday I will post an additional blog about working out. It will be called: Workout (date). I will also post an additional weekly blog for weight loss on Mondays. It will be called: Weight? No-Physical Clutter (date). That is the day that I have chosen to weigh in or to be accountable for what I have done all week. My weight may not drop, but maybe my pants are loose. Every little bit counts. With these separate blogs, everyone interested in working out or losing weight can post their comments in one blog. And who knows--you might receive encouraging comments from other people who are doing the same thing. We will see if it works. So, there will be my daily post, a workout post:Workout (date), and on Mondays: Weight? No-Physical Clutter (date). I hope these additional posts help to motivate anyone looking for motivation.
I am separating them because I do not want to take away from the original idea of the blog: Clearing Clutter. Yet, I have had a lot of people comment on how they need to get motivated.I look forward to your comments.
I will talk more later. Until then...
This is me.This is my blog.
I've Been Thinking
I receive a lot of comments about people who want to workout, people who wish that I was closer, people who just need some motivation, etc. So, I was thinking... I have been posting whenever I workout for a couple reasons 1)I enjoy the encouraging words that all of you have given me and 2) it keeps me accountable to you. If all of a sudden I didn't mention the pool, you would wonder if I was still going to the Y. Anyway, if you are in one of the above situations, why don't you be accountable to me. I read the blog everyday, and I check to see if I have any comments --everyday. Whenever I post a blog about working out, you can post a comment about working out. You can even post a comment about working out on one of my regular posts. I would be happy to help anyone who need some motivation. All of you are helping me out DAILY with my motivation to reduce the clutter in my house. So, think about it. We can help each other. Remember weight is just physical clutter--so let's organize it and get rid of it.
I have not picked a task to do for today yet. I am going to another therapy appointment. I also have to fill my pill container ---blah. I also have to get my pool time in --- that will probably be around 7:30. I will ask my husband to tape the Biggest Loser for me. I am excited to watch it. I wish I could just watch it and not tape it, but the pool does swim lessons until 7:30, so I can't do my laps. And by the way, I'm afraid of the water too. I do the breast stroke with my head above the water the whole time. I change my legs--- sometimes freestyle or sometimes breast stroke. But, my arms are always doing the breast stroke. See I just modified the swimming strokes to accommodate me. Brilliant! huh.
Well I have to go or I will be late. I'll talk to you more later. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Table is Clear
This is what it looked like.
I did make it to the Y (pool) again today. I also got an orientation on the workout equipment. My calorie intake --I believe- was low today, so hopefully I burned more calories than I ate.
While I was watching some TV tonight, I sorted these QuicKutz dies. I am trying to put them in the teal holder you see in the picture above.
I not only wanted to sort them I want them to be in alphabetical order, but I did not get that accomplished.
I am going to go for now. I have a really bad toothache. Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
The Computer Room Desk
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Diet? --- Jenny Craig
I have a funny Jenny Craig story to tell you. Now I've been on Jenny Craig off and on about 4 years. I know what you are probably saying to yourself ---4 years--that's a long time. Well, I have to be honest, in those 4 years I didn't just eat Jenny Craig. I know --I know --shocker huh? So, let's get back to the story. Whenever I had just started on the Jenny Craig program, I was working. For lunch, I brought in the Broccoli and Cheese Potato. It is a good meal, but I was stressed that day, so I grabbed a handful of butter (you know those little pats of butter). Anyway, one of my co-workers saw me and told me to put the butter down. I said--No. They said that they were going to call Jenny Craig. I said --Go right ahead. They did. Can you believe it? They told my lady (Trish) that they had a Food Emergency and that I was going to eat some butter. Believe me---I know---I worked with a bunch of clowns. Anyway, the phone call got transferred to me in the break room---it was Trish. She said," Deb put the butter down --just walk away". This was the craziest thing I had ever heard of. I just wanted butter for my potato--so I negotiated. ha ha I was allowed to keep 2 pats of butter. She still laughs about it. She said that she keeps telling everyone if they need help --call in --that's what they are there for. And then she tells them my story---The Food Emergency. Well, the potato is better with butter. Heck isn't everything better with butter.
Here is where I worked today. I sorted embellishments. I know --fun--right? I do find it very relaxing, and I did not want to tackle my closet again today. I did step in my closet --moved some stuff around--then I got the heck out of there. I moved on to something pretty
and shiny.
Well, that's about it for today. I hope you had a good day and a good weekend. Oh yea--I just remembered --I stopped at DQ to get their med. Chocolate Cherry Love Blizzard. That was lunch. I have a smile on my face just thinking of it. Anyway, take care, and I'll keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Today is a Dud
It has just been a bummer of a day. Things I want to do---I'm not able to do. And that's the bummer. This would have been a great day to take a lazy day, but I didn't. I still want to accomplish something. But, when my husband wakes up, he will probably want to do something. Oh well. Everybody has these types of days---where things just don't go as you planned. I just don't like them. Maybe today's accomplishment will be taking a shower.
So no pictures, no stories, nothing. Today is a Dud.
I'll keep you updated. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Weight Loss?
So, I decided to count up the amount of fat and calories that I eat a day with my Jenny Craig food. I average : meals-17g of fat and 760 calories. This does not take into account snacks, fruit, dairy, or anytime bars. Those numbers are just for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have to admit ---I really like their food, and it is easy to prepare (I mostly buy frozen meals). Whenever I researched how much fat should one consume a day here were the numbers that I got.
For a woman with little activity:
Calories...1600..........Max fat grams...44-62
Max cal. from fat...400-560.....Max cal. from sat. fat...less than 112
Max grams of sat. fat...less than 12grams
They noted that if a person wanted to lose weight, the numbers would be less and they would have to consult their doctor.
So, my meals definitely fall in the range, and once you add everything else that I have been eating --well that would bring me up or take me over the recommendations. And that is why I am not losing weight. I need to stick to the plan, and delay my gratification of chocolate and ice cream. It is very hard for me. And that is why I...
Bought a bottle of Leptorexin (weight loss pills) today. I am going to try this product, and I will let you know how it is working. I am pretty excited about it. I have to admit, when people tell me that it will be difficult for me to lose weight because of all of the medications that I am on---well, it's discouraging. This pill has been featured on ABC, CBS News, CNN, and and comes with a 100% guarantee. I don't know if it will make a difference, but I can tell you this. For over 1 month (last year), I followed the Jenny Craig plan and I swam between 1hour and 1 1/2 hours a day. I lost very little (maybe 2 lbs). And that was for a month. I became very discouraged and I stopped swimming and eating right. Well, I ended up here (I gained 5 lbs since I stopped working out and eating right). I don't want to keep gaining, but I don't want to work as hard as I was and see little results. So, I will give this pill a try. Hopefully, I see a difference as quickly as their ad suggests. They mention that a person's weight may not change, but their appearance (weight loss in belly area) will change. The reason that a person's weight may not change is because their muscle weight will be increasing. Hey, if I see a difference---that is good enough for me.
Well, I'm off to eat my breakfast and then go to the Y. The pool will be closing early today (11:30am) for a swim meet. I'll talk to you soon. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Laps and T-shirts
I also still have to do the floor and on top of the bench. I am uncertain if I will finish it this weekend or do a project just for the weekend.
14's and L (top)
16'S and XL (middle)
18's and XXL (bottom)
My Achilles heel has really been bothering me lately. That is one of the reasons that I am swimming. You know---I am really quite afraid of the water. If I can stand in it--- I'm OK. If I know that I can get to safety (a side of a pool) then --I'm OK. But if you leave me in the open water of the ocean -- let's just say-- Hermosa Beach, CA-- I may freak out if a tide comes and removes the bottom from my feet. I may start choking --yelling---and I may even get saved by the lifeguard. This is a true story. What I am leaving out is how my actions got my sister and I kicked out of the ocean. I admit -- it wasn't fair to her. She was an innocent by-standard. But when you are around me---sometimes---just sometimes---trouble ensues.Whenever I was young, I was on a swim team. At one of our meets, I was part of a relay team and I was doing my flip to go to the finish line. For some reason, I swam down instead of up. Trouble--you bet. One of the coaches jumped in to save me.--How embarrassing. That was the beginning of the end. I did not get back in the water to restore my confidence, nor did I swim for the swim team again.
Anyway, I do love the water of a swimming pool. And I really enjoyed swimming today. I really hope all of you had a good day, and I will talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Let's Swim
I did it. I made it to the Y. I swam for 15 minutes, and like my sister said-- I wish I could have swam longer. But, I DID IT. I got out of my house in time to drive there and swim for 15 minutes. Hopefully, this is just 1 step among many on my quest to lose weight. I am really excited about making it to the gym today. And I can't wait until I can get back into that pool. Look at that water--doesn't it look so inviting?
It's like Monica said, the people on The Biggest Loser workout a lot during their day. If I want to lose weight, not only do I have to be on a healthy eating plan (Jenny Craig), I have to workout a lot. I am planning to go back to the Y again at 7 pm, so that I can swim some more.
I will try on my shirts today, as painful as that may be. So, off I go, but I will keep you informed. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I'm Calling It A Day

Pill Container * Work Table in Craft Room

A big thank you to all of my readers because without you I am nothing. Just Kidding. I'm still Deborah-heavily medicated-Deborah. Without you --there would be no comments for me to learn from. No words for me to lean on. No messages for me to reply to. It would just be me typing into a computer---into a vast world where nobody was listening.
So thank you and tell people you know, people you don't know, your mailman, your paper girl...anyone who you think would enjoy this blog. Remember, we may be just 1 person, but we can do extraordinary things. I blog about me being on medication and clearing clutter may not be extraordinary to you, but it is making a huge impact on my life. My husband is even complimenting me to his friends. So, even though I am making little steps, it is changing our life in big ways. Just one example is our mail--I used to fear getting our mail, not anymore. I go out and get the mail with all the confidence in the world because I know what to do with it now. You see this is just a small step, yet it has had a profound impact on me getting the mail.
I hope all of you are having a good day and I hope the sun is shining where you are.
My Closet--My Shirts
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wicker Baskets ...for My Pants
I am going to call it a day. It is 9pm, and I didn't make it to the YMCA. But I did tackle the pants in my closet.
These are the only pants that fit. Trying on the pants was not as difficult as I thought. If you had a chance to read the last post and comments, I organized my weight in a way that I didn't feel like an 18. Maybe a wide 17 1/2, but certainly not an 18. This organizing weight theory is unprecedented. Revolutionary even. And it all stems from my therapist having me realize that weight can be considered physical clutter. And where there is clutter--there can be organization. Genius! I tell you --- GENIUS.
I am going to keep trying to make it to the Y. Someday I will make it and it will be a victory. For now --- my victory is my organized pants. I also organized my underwear/bras. The size that is not mine -for the moment- is in a bottom drawer, while my size is in one of the top drawers.
Hope all is good with you. And I will talk to you tomorrow. Until then...
This is me. This is my blog.
Sizes 14-18
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Bare Essentials
Monday, January 18, 2010
The End of the Material (for now)